Why other languages don't support something similar to preprocessor directives like C and its descendant? Why other languages don't support something similar to preprocessor directives like C and its descendant? c c

Why other languages don't support something similar to preprocessor directives like C and its descendant?

The major languages that don't have a preprocessor usually have a different, often cleaner, way to achieve the same effects.

Having a text-preprocessor like cpp is a mixed blessing. Since cpp doesn't actually know C, all it does is transform text into other text. This causes many maintenance problems. Take C++ for example, where many uses of the preprocessor have been explicitly deprecated in favor of better features like:

  • For constants, const instead of #define
  • For small functions, inline instead of #define macros

The C++ FAQ calls macros evil and gives multiple reasons to avoid using them.

The portability benefits of the preprocessor are far outweighed by the possibilities for abuse. Here are some examples from real codes I have seen in industry:

  • A function body becomes so tangled with #ifdef that it is very hard to read the function and figure out what is going on. Remember that the preprocessor works with text not syntax, so you can do things that are wildly ungrammatical

  • Code can become duplicated in different branches of an #ifdef, making it hard to maintain a single point of truth about what's going on.

  • When an application is intended for multiple platforms, it becomes very hard to compile all the code as opposed to whatever code happens to be selected for the developer's platform. You may need to have multiple machines set up. (It is expensive, say, on a BSD system to set up a cross-compilation environment that accurately simulates GNU headers.) In the days when most varieties of Unix were proprietary and vendors had to support them all, this problem was very serious. Today when so many versions of Unix are free, it's less of a problem, although it's still quite challenging to duplicate native Windows headers in a Unix environment.

  • It Some code is protected by so many #ifdefs that you can't figure out what combination of -D options is needed to select the code. The problem is NP-hard, so the best known solutions require trying exponentially many different combinations of definitions. This is of course impractical, so the real consequence is that gradually your system fills with code that hasn't been compiled. This problem kills refactoring, and of course such code is completely immune to your unit tests and your regression tests—unless you set up a huge, multiplatform testing farm, and maybe not even then.

    In the field, I have seen this problem lead to situations where a refactored application is carefully tested and shipped, only to receive immediate bug reports that the application won't even compile on other platforms. If code is hidden by #ifdef and we can't select it, we have no guarantee that it typechecks—or even that it is syntactically correct.

The flip side of the coin is that more advanced languages and programming techniques have reduced the need for conditional compilation in the preprocessor:

  • For some languages, like Java, all the platform-dependent code is in the implementation of the JVM and in the associated libraries. People have gone to huge lengths to make JVMs and libraries that are platform-independent.

  • In many languages, such as Haskell, Lua, Python, Ruby, and many more, the designers have gone to some trouble to reduce the amount of platform-dependent code compared to C.

  • In a modern language, you can put platform-dependent code in a separate compilation unit behind a compiled interface. Many modern compilers have good facilities for inlining functions across interface boundaries, so that you don't pay much (or any) penalty for this kind of abstraction. This wasn't the case for C because (a) there are no separately compiled interfaces; the separate-compilation model assumes #include and the preprocessor; and (b) C compilers came of age on machines with 64K of code space and 64K of data space; a compiler sophisticated enough to inline across module boundaries was almost unthinkable. Today such compilers are routine. Some advanced compilers inline and specialize methods dynamically.

Summary: by using linguistic mechanisms, rather than textual replacement, to isolate platform-dependent code, you expose all your code to the compiler, everything gets type-checked at least, and you have a chance of doing things like static analysis to ensure suitable test coverage. You also rule out a whole bunch of coding practices that lead to unreadable code.

Because modern compilers are smart enough to remove dead code in most any case, making manually feeding the compiler this way no longer necessary. I.e. instead of :

#include <iostream>#define DEBUGint main(){#ifdef DEBUG        std::cout << "Debugging...";#else        std::cout << "Not debugging.";#endif}

you can do:

#include <iostream>const bool debugging = true;int main(){    if (debugging)    {        std::cout << "Debugging...";    }    else    {        std::cout << "Not debugging.";    }}

and you'll probably get the same, or at least similar, code output.

Edit/Note: In C and C++, I'd absolutely never do this -- I'd use the preprocessor, if nothing else that it makes it instantly clear to the reader of my code that a chunk of it isn't supposed to be complied under certain conditions. I am saying, however, that this is why many languages eschew the preprocessor.