How can I get pods by label, using the python kubernetes api? How can I get pods by label, using the python kubernetes api? kubernetes kubernetes

How can I get pods by label, using the python kubernetes api?

this works for me:

v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace='default', label_selector='job_name={}'.format(name))

Kubernetes CLI uses two types of label selectors.

  1. Equality BasedEg: kubectl get pods -l key=value

  2. Set BasedEg: kubectl get pod -l 'key in (value1,value2)'


should work, else try using

label_selector='label in (my_label1, my_label2)'.

If this does not work the error might come from somewhere else.

(Python client) This works for me and it returns JSON

result = v1.list_namespaced_pod( "default", label_selector="label_key=label_value",watch=False)print(len(result.items))