Best Linux distribution for running Mono [closed] Best Linux distribution for running Mono [closed] linux linux

Best Linux distribution for running Mono [closed]

I work for Novell, so I am going to recommend OpenSUSE as the distribution to use for Mono of course.

When you use OpenSUSE, not only you get Mono, but there are hundreds of open source libraries and .NET based applications that we have ported and make available through our update system.

Additionally, many of the preview features are available as packages that are ready to install on OpenSUSE. Other distributions tend to lag behind in both of the above areas.

Besides, the more OpenSUSE out there, the more funds that we get to continue to improve Mono.

The Mono download page gives a fairly big hint as to their preferred distros:

There's also a page for 'Unsupported distros':

Probably Novell (SuSE), since they fund the mono project and pay the core developers, odds are they're using Novell workstations for their initial coding.

It really shouldn't matter much, though.