Dynamically appending an array in VBA Dynamically appending an array in VBA vba vba

Dynamically appending an array in VBA

Before using the myArr array the first time, run this:

ReDim Preserve myArr(0 To 1)

Then when you come to the dynamic ReDim statement, only use ReDim if certain conditions are met, e.g. If UBound(myArr) > 1 then etc.

If box1 = True Then    If UBound(myArr) > 1 Then        ReDim Preserve myArr(LBound(myArr) To UBound(myArr) + 1)    End If    myArr(UBound(myArr)) = 1End If

Olle's solution can be expanded upon with some more checks and balances, if it interests you.

see the InsertElementIntoArray Function here:http://www.cpearson.com/excel/VBAArrays.htm