Android DeadSystemException Android DeadSystemException android android

Android DeadSystemException

The Android Developer docs for android.os.DeadSystemException says the following:

The core Android system has died and is going through a runtime restart. All running apps will be promptly killed.

The source code does not help much more:

package android.os;/** * The core Android system has died and is going through a runtime restart. All * running apps will be promptly killed. */public class DeadSystemException extends DeadObjectException {    public DeadSystemException() {        super();    }}

Overall, it looks like this is being thrown by the OS and has nothing to do with our code.

Looking at the javadoc from the superclass, DeadObjectException, backs this theory up:

The object you are calling has died, because its hosting process no longer exists.

One cause was a bug in the notification service of Android version 7 and 8.

It was caused by using "vibration pattern" in the notifications, which throws an ArrayOutOfBoundsException. This leads the whole system to crash and post a DeadSystemException.

For further details you can refer to this Medium article here.

Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.DeadSystemException

This exception was caused in one of the apps I was developing, it occurred mostly in MI devices.

After debugging I found that I was trying to start another service (Say B) in the current service (Say A) from a background thread, but when startService(itService) method was called the service A was already killed.

The only solution I found till now is to check if the current service A is running or not before you start another service B. Depending on your implementation you can use one of the various ways to check if a services is running from this answer.