How to get access to an HTML video element in Angular2 How to get access to an HTML video element in Angular2 angular angular

How to get access to an HTML video element in Angular2

You can inject the ElementRef and then access the element like

element.nativeElement.shadowRoot.querySelector('video').duration;// with encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Native

and with other view encapsulation modes probably


(not yet tried myself though).

This should work as well

<video (durationchange)="durationChangeEventHandler($event)"></video>

and then access it using $

Using a directive (example in Dart code)

@Directive(selector: 'video')class VideoModel {  ElementRef _element;  VideoModel(this._element) {    VideoElement video = _element.nativeElement as VideoElement;    video.onDurationChange.listen((e) => duration = video.duration);  }  num duration;}

In your component add

@Component(    selector: 'my-component',    viewProviders: const [VideoModel],     directives: const [VideoModel],    templateUrl: 'my_component.html') class MyComponent {    @ViewChild(VideoModel)     VideoModel video;}

now you can access the duration with video.duration

<html ng-app="VideoLink">    <body ng-controller="linkvideo">    <video controls>        <source src={{video}} type="video.mp4">    </video></body></html>

in the controller file

var videolink=angular.module('VideoLink',[]);    videolink.controller('linkvideo',function($scope){          ${'name':''}    });

Try it may be it will helpful for you