how to get data from WebMethod in angular2 how to get data from WebMethod in angular2 angular angular

how to get data from WebMethod in angular2

Your method is just returning Observable, they will just sit as a function. Observable are lazy in nature. They wouldn't get executed until you subscribe to them.

AttendanceMast() {   return this._http.get("AttendanceMast.apsx/GetDistinctBatch")         .map((response) => response.toString()); //better do it response.json();}myService.AttendanceMast().subscribe(  data => console.log(data);)


getwithParamter(): Observable<JSON> {                            this.headers = new Headers();            this.headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');                           let options = new RequestOptions({                method: RequestMethod.Post,                url: "AttendanceMast.aspx/HelloWorldss",                                   headers: this.headers,                body:{program: 'pravin'}  //same like data: "{}" in ajax            });           return this._http.request(new Request(options)).retry(2)             .map((response: Response) => response.text())            .do(data => console.log('All: ' + JSON.stringify(data)))            .catch(this.handleError);                      }  handleError(error: any) {    console.error('An error occurred', error);    return Promise.reject(error.message || error);}


[System.Web.Services.WebMethod]public static string HelloWorldss(string program){    return "welcome Angular" + program;}


  this.dataService.getwithParamter().subscribe(        tradeshows => this.getwithparamter = tradeshows,        error =>  console.error('Error: ' +error)    );

print this variable showing your output this.getwithparamter

I assume you are using the standard configuration for a WebService. If so, I believe your problem is that your are using the inbuilt rest capability of Angular2 to access a WebService, aka a Soap service, returning xml soap envelopes. Hence the 404.

Unfortunately, you have a bit more work to do to make it work than if you were accessing a rest service.Have a look at angular2-soap on github. It should get you on the right track.