AngularJS + jQuery Mobile AngularJS + jQuery Mobile angularjs angularjs

AngularJS + jQuery Mobile

There was already the question on SO to compare AngularJS and jQuery Mobile.

And in the answer you can find some information - it is kind of further reading for you.

And the arcticle jQuery Mobile and AngularJS Working Together should give you answe to your question. It has some advices, for example:

Load jQM libs before AngularJS


Let jQM handle the URL routing


A very basic example:


<body ng-app='myApp'>    <div data-role="page" ng-controller='myCtrl'>        <ul data-role="listview">            <li ng-repeat='car in cars'><a href="{{car}}.html">{{car}}</a>            </li>        </ul>    </div></body>


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {    $ = [        'acura', 'audi', 'BMW'    ];});

working demo:

The main problem with jQuery mobile and AngularJS is they both want to control page routing. You can find out more by searchng jQuery mobile and Angular in google.

Yes, if you only want a ready to go / mobile friendly UI. I would suggest other more CSS based frameworks such as bootstrap.