AngularJS + OAuth AngularJS + OAuth angularjs angularjs

AngularJS + OAuth

Here is a simple example using just redirects with angular js

Here is how to redirect to authentication

angular.module('angularoauthexampleApp')  .controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {    $scope.login=function() {        var client_id="your client id";        var scope="email";        var redirect_uri="http://localhost:9000";        var response_type="token";        var url=""+scope+"&client_id="+client_id+"&redirect_uri="+redirect_uri+        "&response_type="+response_type;        window.location.replace(url);    };  });

Here is how to handle the redirect after authentication

angular  .module('angularoauthexampleApp', [  ])  .config(function ($routeProvider) {    $routeProvider      .when('/access_token=:accessToken', {        template: '',        controller: function ($location,$rootScope) {          var hash = $location.path().substr(1);          var splitted = hash.split('&');          var params = {};          for (var i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {            var param  = splitted[i].split('=');            var key    = param[0];            var value  = param[1];            params[key] = value;            $rootScope.accesstoken=params;          }          $location.path("/about");        }      })  });

More complete information here

Take a look at

  • Easy implementation in Javascript
  • 80+ OAuth providers
  • Fast & secure

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