how to redirect one html page to another using button click event in angularjs how to redirect one html page to another using button click event in angularjs angularjs angularjs

how to redirect one html page to another using button click event in angularjs

In html,

<button ng-click="redirect()">Click</button>

In JS,

$scope.redirect = function(){  window.location = "#/page.html";}

Hope it helps.....

Would probably make a small modification.

inject $location and use:

$scope.redirect = function(){  $location.url('/page.html');}

The benefits of using $location over window.location can be found in the docs, but here's a summary as of (1.4.x)$location

enter image description here

If anyone knows how to make this redirect directly from the html in a cleaner way please let me know because I would prefer that sometimes over making a function in the controller...

I have succeeded navigation PAGE with below code in AngularJS.

$ = function (){    window.location = "/Home/Index/";}