Flatten array in Kotlin Flatten array in Kotlin arrays arrays

Flatten array in Kotlin

Use a more universal flatMap:

nodes.flatMap {it.asIterable()}

Arrays in Kotlin are invariant so an Array<Array<Node>> is not an Array<Array<out T>> (which is the receiver type for flatten).

It looks like this will be fixed in Kotlin 1.1: Relax generic variance in Array.flatten ยท JetBrains/kotlin@49ea0f5.

Until Kotlin 1.1 is released you can maintain your your own version of flatten:

/** * Returns a single list of all elements from all arrays in the given array. */fun <T> Array<out Array<out T>>.flatten(): List<T> {    val result = ArrayList<T>(sumBy { it.size })    for (element in this) {        result.addAll(element)    }    return result}