C struct inheritance pointer alignment C struct inheritance pointer alignment c c

C struct inheritance pointer alignment

Kudos for your presentation.

I think your implementation should work fine, because C guarantees that the address of a struct is the address of its initial member. Put aside the statements C makes about alignment of struct-members, this guarantee should mean that, as long as your implementation always puts Link as first member, this should not cause alignment issues.

from here: C99 ยง6.7.2.1:

13 Within a structure object, the non-bit-field members and the unitsin which bit-fields reside have addresses that increase in the orderin which they are declared. A pointer to a structure object, suitablyconverted, points to its initial member (or if that member is abit-field, then to the unit in which it resides), and vice versa.There may be unnamed padding within a structure object, but not at itsbeginning

This should be what you meant to say about Base * and Derived *, although no such thing exists in pure C. They are just structs which happen to have the same memory layout.

However I think it is a bit brittle to implement it like this, because Node and Link directly depend on each other. If you were to change the structure of Node, your code would become invalid. At the moment I don't see the point in having an extra struct Link, apart from you being able to just write a new Node for a new type reusing Link.

There is actually a linked list implementation that immediately came to mind when I saw your post and works in a way very similar to the way you intend to use your list: the kernel list

It uses the same List-element (list_head):

struct list_head {    struct list_head *next, *prev;};

It contains this function macro:

#define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member)                          \      for (pos = list_first_entry(head, typeof(*pos), member);        \           &pos->member != (head);                                    \           pos = list_next_entry(pos, member))

If you look at the way the macro is implemented, you will see that it offers iteration over the entries of a list without knowing anything about the layout of the entries the list is contained in. Assuming I interpret your intention right, I think this is the way you would want it to be.

In C structs, a Base* can point to a Derived if Base is the first member in Derived. Can a Derived* point to a Base if none of Derived specific members are accessed?

If you mean "can a Derived* point to an arbitrary Base (including one which is not a first member of a Derived object)", then: Technically, no. My understanding of Defect Report #74 is the alignment requirements can be different.

Q: If a structure has a field of type t, can the alignment requirements of the field be different from the alignment requirements of objects of the same type that are not members of structures? If the answer to (a) is ``yes,'' then where applicable the remaining questions should be assumed to have been asked for both objects within structures and objects outside structures.

A: Subclause says, '... pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types shall have the same representation and alignment requirements.' Subclause says, `Each non-bit-field member of a structure or union object is aligned in an implementation-defined manner appropriate to its type.' And later, 'There may therefore be unnamed padding within a structure object, ... as necessary to achieve the appropriate alignment.' a) It is possible for an implementation to state generalized requirements to satisfy sublause These requirements may be further strengthened using the implementation-defined behavior made available in subclause Yes, the alignment requirements can be different.

I wrote this in the comments to ouah's answer, but I'll present it as an answer in its own right.

It is true as ouah writes that the code in your question could have an alignment problem in theory if you go by the C standard. However, I don't think there's a single architecture that your code is likely (or unlikely) to run on whose ABI exhibits such alignment patterns. At least none that I know of, for sure, and that includes experience with a few different desktop and embedded architectures. I can also not really imagine an architecture that would gain anything from such alignment properties.

It is also worth noting that this pattern is indeed used in practice quite commonly; it's kind of like the fact that you can always fit ints in pointers, in that it's not guaranteed by any cross-platform standard, but there's virtually no platform on which it's not true, and people do it all the time.