drupal (CMS) or codeigniter (MVC) for creating a new web application? [closed] drupal (CMS) or codeigniter (MVC) for creating a new web application? [closed] codeigniter codeigniter

drupal (CMS) or codeigniter (MVC) for creating a new web application? [closed]

I think this is a great article for everyone who has "CodeIgniter vs. Drupal" dilemma.
If you are like me:

  • like writing CODE
  • want your web site/web application to do and looks EXACTLY how you want
  • in love with KISS philosophy (keep it small and simple)
  • upgrade when YOU want

Than you will take CodeIgniter path.
(I'm telling you that after more than two years building Drupal websites)

Using Drupal is a fine idea -- it can take care of the mundane details like user registration, authentication, etc.

Then you extend drupal by writing a module or three.

The interaction between drupal's core and your module is going to be a pretty well-defined thing.

The internals of module can be structured however you want. You could even use an MVC framework!

I did a project once that did just that. It was a custom drupal module that internally used Zend Framework's MVC stack.

Worked like a charm.

There's definitely a learning curve for drupal in general and module development particuarly, but it's not insurmountable.

I have seen fully fledged web applications written in Drupal. Drupal is really handy for offloading the boring bits of the web application - user authentication and authorisation, comments, captcha, theming etc.

It really lets you get that head start into writing code for your application. With the stable release of Drupal 7 just around the corner, why not give it a shot?