MySQL Error - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now MySQL Error - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now codeigniter codeigniter

MySQL Error - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

Got the Answer! It seems like codeigniter's mysql driver has bugs handling stored procedures.

I changed the drivers from mysql to mysqli in the config/database file by changing

$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql';


$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysqli';

Post that i modified the system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_result.php file and added the below function

function next_result(){  if (is_object($this->conn_id))  {      return mysqli_next_result($this->conn_id);  }}

and modified the model as below

$db = $this->load->database('mailbox',TRUE);$qry_res = $db->query('Call circle_pending_p()');echo $db->_error_message();$res = $qry_res->result_array();$qry_res->next_result();$qry_res->free_result();if (count($res) > 0) {      return $res;} else {      return 0;}

This solved the problem!


<?phpwhile($dbms->more_results() && $dbms->next_result())    {        $result = $dbms->store_result();        if(is_object($result)){ $result->free(); }        unset($result);    }?>

After procedure call. MySQLi can't call another procedure, while has previous results.You should use free() for each of them before any further procedure call or query execution.


In file



function next_result(){    if (is_object($this->conn_id))    {        return mysqli_next_result($this->conn_id);    }}function result($type = 'object'){    $result = array();    if ($type == 'array') $result = $this->result_array();    else if ($type == 'object') $result = $this->result_object();    else $result = $this->custom_result_object($type);    $this->next_result();    return $result;}