Uploadpath CodeIgniter Uploadpath CodeIgniter codeigniter codeigniter

Uploadpath CodeIgniter

There is an easy to follow tutorial here that explains how to create a URL rewrite that removes the index.php. You could edit it to be something like this (not tested):

RewriteEngine onRewriteCond $1 !^CodeIgniter_2.1.0/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/(index\.php|uploads.*|robots\.txt).*$RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ^CodeIgniter_2.1.0/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/index.php/$1 [L]

Then you should (again, not tested), be able to access the image at CodeIgniter_2.1.0/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/uploads/beagle.jpg

EDIT: woops, misunderstood the question, you want CodeIgniter_2.1.0/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/index.php/upload/uploads/beagle.jpg -> CodeIgniter_2.1.0/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/uploads/beagle.jpg right?

In that case, give this a shot:

RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^.*/index.php/upload/uploads(.*)$ /CodeIgniter_2.1.0/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/uploads$1 [L]

This says any url that contains /index.php/upload/uploads should redirect to /CodeIgniter_2.1.0/CodeIgniter_2.1.0/uploads/whatever