dart-eclipse plugin crashing after installing dart plugin dart-eclipse plugin crashing after installing dart plugin dart dart

dart-eclipse plugin crashing after installing dart plugin

The dart plugin checks for a 'dart-sdk' directory in your eclipse installation directory.

If you have dart and eclipse unzipped in your home ~/bin, then this should do the trick:

$ cd ~/bin/eclipse$ ln -s ../dart/dart-sdk/

Now you should be able to start ./eclipse.

Update:I have submitted this issue to the dart bug tracker:https://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=23335

Warning: the suggested symbolic link workaround will erase the target dart-sdk directory when doing an upgrade from inside Eclipse. If you don't want this to happen just copy the whole directory instead of linking.

  1. Go to the dart directory you dowloaded.
  2. Copy the dart-sdk directory.
  3. Paste it directly in your eclipse directory. (the directorycontaining eclipse.exe)

Bonus : To get the error messages when Eclipse crashes you can find the log in the directory you specify when you try to launch Eclipse.--> "MyJavaProjects"\.metadata\.log.txt