Flutter Routing Flutter Routing dart dart

Flutter Routing

It's hard to tell what's going on here.

Adding "/main" to the list of named routes should not cause any problems because routes is just contains WidgetBuilders, that means Main constructor is not called until you push "/main" and there should be no initialization issues. Not sure what causes your issue, an error message would help.

It might be a good idea to remove the slashes from your named routes, because a slash implies that there is a route named "/" that is the parent of "welcome", "splash" and "main". I think what you actually want are three top-level routes:

<String, WidgetBuilder>{  "welcome": (_) => WelcomeScreen(),  "splash": (_) => SplashScreen(),  "main":(_) => Main(),}

Another issue I spotted is that you are adding /main to the named routes list, but in the end you are pushing /home. Maybe a typo?