How to get Interdependent dropdowns in django using Modelform and jquery? How to get Interdependent dropdowns in django using Modelform and jquery? django django

How to get Interdependent dropdowns in django using Modelform and jquery?

You might need to use the following technologies:

  • Custom Django Form Fields (Within the model form)
  • ajax(to fetch the records)
  • simplejson(to send a json response to ajax)
  • jquery(to update the combo boxes on client side)

Let's have a look at an example(Not really tested this, just from the top of my mind):

from django.db import modelsclass Campus(models.Model):    name = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=choices.CAMPUSES)    def __unicode__(self):        return u'%s' % self.nameclass School(models.Model):    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)    campus = models.ForeignKey(Campus)    def __unicode__(self):        return u'%s' % self.nameclass Centre(models.Model):    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)    school = models.ForeignKey(School)    def __unicode__(self):        return u'%s' %

import modelsfrom django import formsclass CenterForm(forms.ModelForm):    campus = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=models.Campus.objects.all())    school = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=models.School.objects.none()) # Need to populate this using jquery    centre = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=models.Centre.objects.none()) # Need to populate this using jquery    class Meta:        model = models.Center        fields = ('campus', 'school', 'centre')

Now, write a method in your views that returns a json object for schools under a campus and centres under a school:

import modelsimport simplejsonfrom django.http import HttpResponsedef get_schools(request, campus_id):    campus = models.Campus.objects.get(pk=campus_id)    schools = models.School.objects.filter(campus=campus)    school_dict = {}    for school in schools:        school_dict[] =    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(school_dict), mimetype="application/json")def get_centres(request, school_id):    school = models.School.objects.get(pk=school_id)    centres = models.Centre.objects.filter(school=school)    centre_dict = {}    for centre in centres:        centre_dict[] =    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(centre_dict), mimetype="application/json")

Now write a ajax/jquery method to fetch the data and populate the select elements in the HTML.


$(document).ready(function(){    $('select[name=campus]').change(function(){        campus_id = $(this).val();        request_url = '/get_schools/' + campus_id + '/';        $.ajax({            url: request_url,            success: function(data){                $.each(data, function(index, text){                    $('select[name=school]').append(                         $('<option></option>').val(index).html(text)                     );                });            }        });        return false;    })});

Rather than re-inventing the wheel, I would use Django Smart Selectsor Django Autocomplete Light

I haven't tried either yet but I'm about to use one or both of them in an upcoming project.