ElasticSearch edgeNGram ElasticSearch edgeNGram elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch edgeNGram

A match query performs analysis on its given value. By default, "jax" is being analyzed with standardWithEdgeNGram, which includes n-gram analysis permuting it into ["ja", "ax"], the first of which matches the "ja" from the analyzed "JACKSON v. FRENKEL".

If you don't want this behavior you can specify a different analyzer to match, using the analyzer field, for example keyword:

GET /tests/test/_search{    "query": {        "match": {           "Name": "jax",           "analyzer" : "keyword"        }    }}

In ES 1.3.2 the below query gave an error

GET /tests/test/_search{    "query": {    "match": {       "Name": "jax",       "analyzer" : "keyword"       }  }}

Error : query parsed in simplified form, with direct field name, but included more options than just the field name, possibly use its 'options' form, with 'query' element?]; }]status: 400

I fixed the issue as below:

{   "query": {       "query_string": {            "fields": [            "Name"             ],        "query": "jax",            "analyzer": "simple"        }    }}