ElasticSearch - Julia ElasticSearch - Julia elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch - Julia

The problem in your code could be about passing the client object back from Julia to Python.

BTW you do not need Python's JSON. PyCall will translate Python dictionaries to Julia's Dicts.

This used to work for me

using PyCalles= pyimport("elasticsearch")client = es.Elasticsearch() #provide con info if needed

And now I just call methods of the client object rather than passing it around:

client.info()  dat = Dict("col1"=>"some text", "col2"=>"more text")res = client.index(index="data", doc_type="data", id="1", body=dat)q = Dict("query"=>Dict("match"=>Dict("col1"=>Dict("query"=>"some text"))))client.search("data",body=q)["hits"]["hits"]

Another thing. Most likely you are connecting to Kibana GUI rather than Elasticsearch API. Instead try using:

client = es.Elasticsearch("http://yourelastichostname:5601")

Let me know if it helped.