Elasticsearch: merge terms query and match query Elasticsearch: merge terms query and match query elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch: merge terms query and match query

The terms query seems appropriate for the name. However, I would recommend a term filter for the "age", since it is a numeric value. Generally, the match query is for analyzed fields that you plan to do full-text searching on.

As an example, you can link your two search criteria together using a filtered query like this:

{  "query": {    "filtered": {      "query": {        "terms": {          "user_name": ["john","mary","jim"]        }      },      "filter": {        "term": {          "age": 20        }      }    }  }}

Another possibility is to combine your search criteria using a bool query. For example.

{  "query": {    "bool": {      "must": [        {          "terms": {            "user_name": ["john","mary","jim"]          }        },        {          "term": {            "age": 20          }        }      ]    }  }}

Have a look at the documentation for Bool Query here.