Making update request using graphql Making update request using graphql express express

Making update request using graphql

Wrong arguments:

I'm used to Apollo, because of its simplified structure. In Apollo I've encountered a similar issue whereas the arguments of queries and mutations in the resolver consist of 4 different items.

updatePost: (parent,args,context,info) => {   // <-- look at this line            console.log(args);            Post.findByIdAndUpdate(args._id, {$set: {                title: args.postInput.title,                description: args.postInput.description,                content: args.postInput.content,                date: new Date(            }}).then(result => {                    console.log(result);                    return {                        ...result._doc                    }                        }).catch (err =>{                    throw err;            });        },ExampleMutation2: ...

Bonus ECMA:

I would also recommend to use the await/async version of the resolver method in order to get a response and not a Promise. Read in order to make your code simpler using the latest ECMAScript

   updatePost: async (parent,args,context,info) => {                try{                  console.log(args);                  let result= await Post.findByIdAndUpdate(args._id, {$set: {                      title: args.postInput.title,                      description: args.postInput.description,                      content: args.postInput.content,                      date: new Date(                  }})                  console.log(result);                  return result._doc                }catch (err =>{                  throw err;                });            },    ExampleMutation2: ...

I know that i am late an you probably fixed it but it might help someone else.

type RootMutation {            updatePost(_id: ID!, postInput: PostInput!): Post

instead write:

updatePost(id: ID!, postInput: PostInput!): Post!