How to print table using Jinja2 (without page refresh) How to print table using Jinja2 (without page refresh) flask flask

How to print table using Jinja2 (without page refresh)

The jinja template that you need is something like this:

<table border="1" class="dataframe">  <thead>    <tr style="text-align: right;">      <th></th>      <th>Part_number</th>      <th>Type_name</th>      <th>Short_desc</th>      <th>Price_1</th>      <th>Price_2</th>      <th>VAT</th>      <th>DB_source</th>    </tr>  </thead>  <tbody>      {% for row in mydata %}          <tr>                 <th>{{loop.index0}}</th>                <td>{{row['Part_number']}}</td>                <td>{{row['Type_name']}}</td>                <td>{{row['Short_desc']}}</td>                <td>{{row['Price_1']}}</td>                <td>{{row['Price_2']}}</td>                <td>{{row['VAT']}}</td>                <td>{{row['DB_source']}}</td>          </tr>      {% endfor %}  </tbody></table>

Check jinja2 documentation for more details

Sure Here is my code for html template:

{% extends "header.html" %}{% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %}{% block content %}<div class="container"><form class="form-signin" method="POST" action="/search">    <div class="panel panel-default">        <div class="panel-heading">Service Part Inquiry</div>        <div class="panel-body">{{ form.hidden_tag() }}{{wtf.form_field(form.FGPN_Search)}}{{wtf.form_field(form.AssyTypeName_Search)}}{{wtf.form_field(form.Source_Search)}}<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-xsy">Search</button> </div>    </div></form></div> <!-- /container -->    {{data|safe}}    {% endblock %}

Code for function below. Actually I check condition only for "Source_Search": "Murexin", that why I deleted some codes (will be easier to understand for You :) I respect Your time):

    @app.route('/search',methods=['GET', 'POST'])    def search():        form = SearchForm()        if request.method == 'POST':            FGPN_Search =            AssyTypeName_Search =            Source_Search =        (...)            elif Source_Search == 'Murexin':                if len(FGPN_Search)>1:                    tablePLM=read_sql_query(select1 + "\'" + FGPN_Search + "\'" + select2 + "\'" + AssyTypeName_Search + "\'",CurDB_2)                    tableSIC = read_sql_query(selectSIC + "\'" + FGPN_Search + "\'",CurDB_1)                    mydata = pd.merge(tablePLM, tableSIC, on='PM_PARTNUMBER',how='outer')                    mydata.to_html()                            return render_template('search.html', form=form,data=mydata)            elif Source_Search == 'test':                return "<h1>test</h1>"            else:                flash("Please write anything.")                return render_template('search.html',form=form)        return render_template('search.html', form=form)