Android does not correctly scroll on input focus if not body element Android does not correctly scroll on input focus if not body element google-chrome google-chrome

Android does not correctly scroll on input focus if not body element

This is a bug in the Android native browser. By the way, the input scrolls into the view after a character is typed on the soft keyboard.

The following code snippet placed somewhere in the page should help:

if(/Android 4\.[0-3]/.test(navigator.appVersion)){   window.addEventListener("resize", function(){      if(document.activeElement.tagName=="INPUT"){         window.setTimeout(function(){            document.activeElement.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();         },0);      }   })}

The answer from Serge is great but I had a few modifications that improved it for me.

The problem appeared on Android 6 for me as well so I added it to the check and I needed the fix to work for textareas as well as inputs.

if(/Android [4-6]/.test(navigator.appVersion)) {   window.addEventListener("resize", function() {      if(document.activeElement.tagName=="INPUT" || document.activeElement.tagName=="TEXTAREA") {         window.setTimeout(function() {            document.activeElement.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();         },0);      }   })}

If anyone needs the fix in Angular 1, here is what I used there.

angular.module('<module name>').run(function ($window, $timeout) {    if(/Android [4-6]/.test($window.navigator.appVersion)){        $window.addEventListener("resize", function(){            if(document.activeElement.tagName=="INPUT" || document.activeElement.tagName=="TEXTAREA"){                $timeout(function() {                    document.activeElement.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();                });            }        });    }});

Offering slight revision if it saves anyone some time:

  • No need to specify an Android version # (less likely to break when your user gets Android 7.0+)
  • No need to wrap in a setTimeOut
  • MDN advises against .scrollIntoViewIfNeeded bc of browser incompatibility => .scrollIntoView is a workable substitute with slightly more browser compatibility

    if(/Android/.test(navigator.appVersion)) {   window.addEventListener("resize", function() {     if(document.activeElement.tagName=="INPUT" || document.activeElement.tagName=="TEXTAREA") {       document.activeElement.scrollIntoView();     }  })}