Breakpoints in files in chrome not being hit when using webpack sourcemaps Breakpoints in files in chrome not being hit when using webpack sourcemaps google-chrome google-chrome

Breakpoints in files in chrome not being hit when using webpack sourcemaps

So this seems to be an issue with webpack and chrome in the past that was brought up.

The interim solution was to set it set the devtool option to source-map or inline-source-map but note, this will cause your compile time to increase.

As of Webpack 3 the issue has improved, but the problem is in the interplay between Chrome and Webpack with their changing code bases.

With Webpack 3 I've had success with the following configuration:

devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map'

Comment devtool

//devtool: 'source-map',

Add to plugins

new webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin({        filename: '[file].map',        include: ['app.js'],        exclude: ['vendor.js'],        columns: false    })