Can you run multiple Chrome instances with different proxies? Can you run multiple Chrome instances with different proxies? google-chrome google-chrome

Can you run multiple Chrome instances with different proxies?

The answer from gengkev is correct. For all users combing from search engines who need a quick "copy and paste" solution, use this link target (windows):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --proxy-server="http://proxy01.your.proxy:3128" --user-data-dir="%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome-proxy01\User Data"

Chrome will create this new folder "Chrome-proxy01" on its own. With this you can have multiple chrome shortcuts using different proxy servers.

If you're running more than one instance of chrome with different flags, I think you need to specify different paths to --user-data-dir.

Yes, you can run it. To do so:

  1. Install the extension SwitchyOmega in the profiles that you want to use proxy.
  2. Create a profile with your desired name and enter the details of the proxy that you wish to use.
  3. Save the changes using apply changes button.
  4. Switch to your proxy using the extension button present on the top right corner of the chrome.

In addition I am also attaching extension screenshot:

enter image description here