Chrome "Active content with certificate errors" Chrome "Active content with certificate errors" google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome "Active content with certificate errors"

To clear this error without a restart:

  • Open developer tools
  • Goto the Application tab
  • Clear storage
  • Close and re-open tab

Commenters have pointed out the following:

  • you must close all tabs in all windows which are open to the same domain
  • you can uncheck "cookies" before clearing storage to preserve login information etc

Restarting the browser gets rid of the "Active content with certificate errors".

Some people rarely restart their browsers though, would be good to know how to resolve this without a restart.

Update: A newer answer explains how to do this without a restart >

This may be equivalent to the other methods but I found it while trying to avoid restarting my browser.

  1. Click on the "Not secure" left of the URL.
  2. Click the number under Cookies (since they are almost always set) eg 4 in use.
  3. Click on each URL and click Remove.
  4. Close the tab and reopen and the warnings should have gone away and it show "Secure".