Chrome Drag & Drop triggering :hover pseudo-class on surrounding elements Chrome Drag & Drop triggering :hover pseudo-class on surrounding elements google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome Drag & Drop triggering :hover pseudo-class on surrounding elements

Have you considered jQuery UI? I know the less external resources the better, but jQuery UI detects when you are dragging, and then (as "The Reveller" said), you could add a class to body and specify

.bodyIsDragging{   pointer-events: none }

Can you add a class to your html/body tag while dragging? If so you could potentially use

.is-dragging * {  pointer-events: none;}

where .is-dragging is the class on your body/htmland then override on the element you are currently dragging.

This worked for me with (in a ugly way):


.is-dragging {    pointer-events: none;}

JS: (on the "drop" event)

$('body').addClass('is-dragging');if (event.clientY < separatorY)    dragged.insertBefore(target);else    dragged.insertAfter(target);setTimeout(function(){    $('body').removeClass('is-dragging');}, 1);