Chrome transition fires on page load when form element added Chrome transition fires on page load when form element added google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome transition fires on page load when form element added

The simplest fix is to add a script tag to the page footer with a single space.

<script> </script>

I was struggling with the same issue the whole day. I've found it was also discussed here and as one of the commenters said - here. The second one helped me a lot.

The workaround mentioned is to add a .preload class to the body

<body class="preload">

which disables all transitions

.preload * { -webkit-transition: none !important; -moz-transition: none !important; -ms-transition: none !important; -o-transition: none !important;}

and then remove it with JS (jQuery) to restore the transitions:

$("window").load(function() {  $("body").removeClass("preload");});

Unfortunately I couldn't find a CSS only solution when using external CSS file.

I encountered the same problem and finally decided that the only acceptable solution was to redefine in the style tag the color of the div like this :

<style>    div {        background-color: red;    }</style>

So the html code is not too dirty and it's a small fix, even though that would be great if they could resolve this bug