ERR_CACHE_READ_FAILURE in google chrome ERR_CACHE_READ_FAILURE in google chrome google-chrome google-chrome

ERR_CACHE_READ_FAILURE in google chrome

In my case a tool called Dell SupportAssist has cleaned up browser caches by deleting their temp folder contents, meanwhile the browser had database entries to those cached files somewhere else and thought the cached data is still available.

Solution was to delete those references to inexisting files by cleaning the browser cache within Chrome

Try typing in chrome url bar: chrome://flags/#enable-simple-cache-backend,

Then enable Simple Cache for HTTP.

enter image description here

Reference to google forum with the issue (link).

I had this problem some years ago and fixed it changing dynamically the name of the elements I needed to prevent from being cached, this is how it works.

I defined a variable getting its value by the integer format of the current datetime (you can put whatever you want), that variable was attached to the source path of my elements to be used

This can be a JavaScript...

var cacheVersion = new Date().getTime();

This is how you include the variable...

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${styleSheet}?${cacheVersion}"><img src="${imagePath}?${cacheVersion}">

... etc.

Having extra text after '?' does not modifies the file location.

The point is that when the file name changes the browser is forced to reload it no matter what it cached before or what browser you are using.

enter image description here
