Google Chrome for Android Remote Debugging - "localhost:9222" Not Available Google Chrome for Android Remote Debugging - "localhost:9222" Not Available google-chrome google-chrome

Google Chrome for Android Remote Debugging - "localhost:9222" Not Available

I found that I had to have USB debugging enabled on Chrome and on my device.

  1. Chrome for Mobile - Settings > Developer Tools > [x] Enable USB Web debugging
  2. Device - Settings > Developer options > [x] USB debugging
  3. Connect Device to Computer
  4. Enable port forwarding on Computer

    C:\adb forward tcp:9222 localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote

  5. Go to http://localhost:9222 in Chrome for Computer

Can you please provide the version of Chrome on Android you are using? Open "about:version" URL and please provide values of "Google Chrome" an "Application" fields.

And can you please check the following -- after you turn on USB Web debugging (step 2 of the doc), what this sequence of commands outputs to you:

adb rootadb shell cat /proc/net/unix | grep chrome_devtools_remote

(The idea is to check, if the remote debugging socket opens on the device after you turn on USB Web debugging)

Have you changed your localhost at all?If so then try instead of localhost:9222.