Google Chrome Not Showing Image in Print Preview Google Chrome Not Showing Image in Print Preview google-chrome google-chrome

Google Chrome Not Showing Image in Print Preview

The issue here is javascript not giving the DOM enough (any) time to load / render the image once it has the src set.

You need to allow time for the browser to load / render (from cache or otherwise) the image, you can do so by setting a setTimeout to delay the printing from the content being set.

An example for this specific question would be:

var newWindow ='', '', 'width=100, height=100'),document =,pageContent =    '<!DOCTYPE html>' +    '<html>' +    '<head>' +    '<meta charset="utf-8" />' +    '<title>Inventory</title>' +    '<style type="text/css">body {-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; font-family: Arial; }</style>' +    '</head>' +    '<body><div><div style="width:33.33%; float:left;"><img src="img/Logo_big.png"/></body></html>';document.write(pageContent);document.close();newWindow.moveTo(0, 0);newWindow.resizeTo(screen.width, screen.height);setTimeout(function() {    newWindow.print();    newWindow.close();}, 250);

The lower you set the setTimeout, the less time the browser will have to load the image so you will need to adjust this and account for slower internet connections / browsers where applicable.

After a deep research I found a solution for showing the images and background in google chrome print preview:

function PopUp(data) {    var mywindow ='','','left=0,top=0,width=950,height=600,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,addressbar=0');    var is_chrome = Boolean(;    mywindow.document.write(data);    mywindow.document.close(); // necessary for IE >= 10 and necessary before onload for chrome    if (is_chrome) {        mywindow.onload = function() { // wait until all resources loaded             mywindow.focus(); // necessary for IE >= 10            mywindow.print();  // change window to mywindow            mywindow.close();// change window to mywindow        };    }    else {        mywindow.document.close(); // necessary for IE >= 10        mywindow.focus(); // necessary for IE >= 10        mywindow.print();        mywindow.close();    }    return true;}

Thanks to Anand Deep Singh post that helped with a part of the code.

You can add the following in your css for media print:

img {    -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;}