How do I tell which font Chrome is using? [duplicate] How do I tell which font Chrome is using? [duplicate] google-chrome google-chrome

How do I tell which font Chrome is using? [duplicate]

In Google Chrome devtools in the 'Elements' tab, under 'Computed':

Magic paper roses hello kitty

I'm a bit late to the party but I've just discovered a very simple way to debug which font your browser is using.

In the Chrome Web Inspector, go to the font stack in the CSS pane of the Elements Panel. Then, starting with the top of the stack, change the name of the font (I add random letters) while keeping an eye on the text in question. When you change the one in use you will see the text change font as it falls back to the next one in the stack.

I assume something similar is possible in most dev tools


If you don't want to use a plugin there is a bookmarklet that will tell you this (once activated and you hover over said text):