How do I uninstall a Service Worker? How do I uninstall a Service Worker? google-chrome google-chrome

How do I uninstall a Service Worker?

Removing Service Workers Programmatically

You can remove service workers programmatically like this:

navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(function(registrations) { for(let registration of registrations) {  registration.unregister()} })

Docs: getRegistrations, unregister

Removing Service Workers Through The User Interface

You can also remove service workers under the Application tab in Chrome Devtools.

You can also go to the URL: chrome://serviceworker-internals/ and unregister a serviceworker from there.

You can do this through Chrome Developer Tool as well as Programatically.

  1. Find all running instance or service worker by typing


    in a new tab and then select the serviceworker you want to unregister.

  2. Open Developer Tools (F12) and Select Application. Then Either

    Select Clear Storage -> Unregister service worker


    Select Service Workers -> Choose Update on Reload

  3. Programatically

if(window.navigator && navigator.serviceWorker) {  navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations()  .then(function(registrations) {    for(let registration of registrations) {      registration.unregister();    }  });}