How to get Callbacks from Chrome Tabs in android like web View provides shouldOverrideUrlLoading, onLoadResource, onPageFinished How to get Callbacks from Chrome Tabs in android like web View provides shouldOverrideUrlLoading, onLoadResource, onPageFinished google-chrome google-chrome

How to get Callbacks from Chrome Tabs in android like web View provides shouldOverrideUrlLoading, onLoadResource, onPageFinished

you can only provide the following callbacks in chrome custom tabs:

/*** Sent when the tab has started loading a page.*/public static final int NAVIGATION_STARTED = 1;/*** Sent when the tab has finished loading a page.*/public static final int NAVIGATION_FINISHED = 2;/*** Sent when the tab couldn't finish loading due to a failure.*/public static final int NAVIGATION_FAILED = 3;/*** Sent when loading was aborted by a user action before it finishes like clicking on a link* or refreshing the page.*/public static final int NAVIGATION_ABORTED = 4;/*** Sent when the tab becomes visible.*/public static final int TAB_SHOWN = 5;/*** Sent when the tab becomes hidden.*/public static final int TAB_HIDDEN = 6;

To attach a callback, bind to the custom tabs service as normal, and just pass your callback while calling newSession().

more info:

implementation guide:

It is not possible in custom chrome tab in android.