How to increase number of Call Stack entries in Google Chrome Developer Tools (or Firefox)? How to increase number of Call Stack entries in Google Chrome Developer Tools (or Firefox)? google-chrome google-chrome

How to increase number of Call Stack entries in Google Chrome Developer Tools (or Firefox)?

Chrome solution

can set via commandline on startup --js-flags="--stack-trace-limit <value>"

or at runtime at loading a page: Error.stackTraceLimit=undefined //unlimited stack trace

In Chrome (also in node), you can type this in the js console:

Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;

Alternatively see this page for Chrome command line flags: (need to restart Chrome):

$ google-chrome --js-flags="--stack-trace-limit 10000"

I don't think there's a limit on call stack size*). Usually a stack trace that seems to come out of nowhere results from either

  • an event listener
  • a timeout (window.setTimeout)
  • an interval (window.setInterval)
  • some script loading after page has loaded (possibly iframe)

*) Of course, technically there certainly is some limit, but I gues it's practically irrelevant. Probably longint or something.

edit: From Firebug source code:

    if (trace.frames.length > 100)  // TODO in the loop above    {        var originalLength = trace.frames.length;        trace.frames.splice(50, originalLength - 100);        var excuse = "(eliding "+(originalLength - 100)+" frames)";        trace.frames[50] = new StackFrame.StackFrame({href: excuse}, 0, excuse,            [], null, null, context);     }

So Firebug will always show the first 50 and the last 50 items ("frames") of the call stack.