how to remove password suggestion Chrome how to remove password suggestion Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

how to remove password suggestion Chrome

According to the spec, if you expect a new password to be filled in (which is why you would not expect auto-completion for example), you should rather specify autocomplete="new-password" for the input field.

This instruction is recognized by chrome.

They reported this as a bug in the Chromium project, but seems Google never actually looked at it or fixed it.

A workaround would be to change the name of the field.

You can also add invisible input fields, a demo could be found here.

I had the same problem it seems difficult to solve I found a solutionTo solve the problem,
the input in initialization must be equal to type="text" and then change to type="password" with the first focus or insert input

function changeTypeInput(inputElement){   inputElement.type="password" }
<input type="text"  id="anyUniqueId"    onfocus="changeTypeInput(this)"  oninput="changeTypeInput(this)"/>