Is it possible to send an hashmap with the Postman Chrome extension? Is it possible to send an hashmap with the Postman Chrome extension? google-chrome google-chrome

Is it possible to send an hashmap with the Postman Chrome extension?

When you send the request through POSTMAN, select the type as POST, then select the "raw" option and then just send JSON in the "body" with the values you want to put in your HashMap. Remember to select "application/json". Jackson will transform the JSON into a HashMap for you.

An example fragment from your code would be:

{ "NO": 1, "FE": "E", "CT": "20"}

Jackson will do the rest for you, I mean, mapping that JSON to your HashMap.

Please use the following payload in the POSTMAN for a POST method. Please take a look at this post.

{    "LOCATION": "BERT",    "TMNL": "1",    "NO": 1,    "CT": "20",    "OPR_CD": "MAEU",    "MVMT": "VL",    "ID": 1,    "HT": "80",    "INCL": "",    "TYPE": "GP",    "FE": "E"}

You can pass a map with postman like this,

attribute: {    "key": "value",    "key2": "value2"}