page-break-* doesn't work on Google chrome page-break-* doesn't work on Google chrome google-chrome google-chrome

page-break-* doesn't work on Google chrome

So, after some frustration, I found a solution. It's a hack, but Chrome doesn't support page breaks properly, so.. You have to set all of the parent elements to explicitly float: none. In this example, I'm printing tabbed content.

<body>    <main role="main">        <section class="tabs">            <div class="tabbed-content">                <div class="tab">print page 1</div>                <div class="tab">print page 2</div>                <div class="tab">print page 3</div>            </div>        </section>    </main></body>

Then your CSS looks similar to this.

html, body, .main-content, .tabs, .tabbed-content { float: none; }.tab {    display: block; /* unhide all tabs */    break-before: always;    page-break-before: always;}

It's July 2014, and as of today doing float: none; for all parent elements is what worked for me:

@media print {  table {float: none !important; }  div { float: none !important; }  .page-break { page-break-inside: avoid; page-break-before: always; }  .dont-print { display: none; }  }

This solution works on Firefox, Chrome and Safari. I have the !important in there because I'm using Bootstrap, and bootstrap does a float: left by default on divs.

3 years later float:none !important for div was the solution for getting the break working in chrome. Not necessary to float:none all parents (body or html)

@media print {    div {        float: none !important;    }}