Prevent chrome from autofilling creditcard info Prevent chrome from autofilling creditcard info google-chrome google-chrome

Prevent chrome from autofilling creditcard info

Add autocomplete="nope", to your input tag if you don't want it to auto-populate with anything. The browser will try to process it and since nope is not an acceptable option for it the browser will give up on processing it.

See -

The only solution I found that is actually working with chrome 89.0.4xxxx

<input style="display: none;" autocomplete="cc-csc"/>

How is this solution intended to work:Basically, we give an alternative for chromium browsers to match by a specific autocomplete key (cc-csc) and not one that is more generic (number) by name or other secondary looked-up data.

You can find details on the topic here

Here you can find a fixed example, comment out line with the fix to compare:

I know this question has already been answered, but I'm going to put my two cents in anyway.

Another way to do this(as far as I know), is when making the <input> fields in your HTML document, just don't add the type="ipsum dolor amet" argument. Then Chrome, or any other browser, won't know what's what and will stay out of it.