Tampermonkey ignores @exclude Tampermonkey ignores @exclude google-chrome google-chrome

Tampermonkey ignores @exclude

@exclude is very precise. You need to put a trailing asterisk on each of the exclude lines. EG:

// @exclude    https://*.myshopify.com/admin/products*// @exclude    https://*.myshopify.com/admin/collections*// @exclude    https://*.myshopify.com/admin/blogs*// @exclude    https://*.myshopify.com/admin/pages*// @exclude    https://*.myshopify.com/admin/themes*

Consider (and install) this Tampermonkey script:

// ==UserScript==// @name     _match and exclude testing// @match    http://*.stackexchange.com/*//// @exclude  http://*.stackexchange.com/questions*// @exclude  http://*.stackexchange.com/tags// @require  http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js// @grant    GM_addStyle// ==/UserScript==$("body").prepend ('<h1 style="background: yellow;">Match Script fired on this page.</h1>');

If you then visit arduino.stackexchange.com/tags, the script won't fire, but when visiting:

it will!

Changing the second exclude line to:

// @exclude  http://*.stackexchange.com/tags*

fixes the problem.

If you still have difficulty, specify your versions of Chrome, Tampermonkey, and operating system. And, provide target page(s) that demonstrate the problem.