Why are iframe requests not sending cookies? Why are iframe requests not sending cookies? google-chrome google-chrome

Why are iframe requests not sending cookies?

That's because of SameSite cookie policy that Chrome defaults to Lax, meaning the cookies won't be sent unless the user can see the URL which excludes iframes.

If you own the somesite.com you can opt-out of this policy by setting SameSite policy to None and deal with the risk of CSRF attacks by a doing Double Submit Cookie.

If you wish to use native ajax or jquery ajax, then strip off async:false. it worked for me.

For further compatibility on older browsers i recommend using http://easyxdm.net/wp/. EasyXDM approach is to use an iframe hack that requires you to place an html file at the host that you're making ajax calls to. And this will be forcefully async, yes. But what's nice with this easyXDM is that you won't have to worry about cors headers.