Why does console.log.apply() throw an Illegal Invocation error? [duplicate] Why does console.log.apply() throw an Illegal Invocation error? [duplicate] google-chrome google-chrome

Why does console.log.apply() throw an Illegal Invocation error? [duplicate]

console and log are host objects. Their behavior is implementation dependent, and to a large degree are not required to implement the semantics of ECMAScript.

FWIW, your jsBin fails in Chrome as well unless you change it to...

console.log.apply(console, ['message']);

but that seems to be that log simply anticipates a calling context of console.

Here's an alternate solution. I'm not sure the case where there are no args works as expected.

function logr(){    var i = -1, l = arguments.length, args = [], fn = 'console.log(args)';    while(++i<l){        args.push('args['+i+']');    };    fn = new Function('args',fn.replace(/args/,args.join(',')));    fn(arguments);};logr(1,2,3);logr();logr({},this,'done')