FBSDKLoginManager logInWithReadPermissions? FBSDKLoginManager logInWithReadPermissions? ios ios

FBSDKLoginManager logInWithReadPermissions?

Facebook Login provides your app access to a person's public profile, friend list, and email address. These three permissions do not require review. Instead, your app's users will choose whether they want to grant access to this information.

In order for your app to access additional elements of a person's Facebook profile (read permissions) or to publish content to Facebook on their behalf (write permissions), you will need to submit for review.

Refer to : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review#submitlogin

Updated :

Apps should separate the request of read and publish permissions.

 FBSDKLoginManager *login = [[FBSDKLoginManager alloc] init];    [login logInWithPublishPermissions:@[@"publish_actions"] handler:^(FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult *result, NSError *error) {        if (error) {            // Process error        } else if (result.isCancelled) {            // Handle cancellations        } else {            // If you ask for multiple permissions at once, you            // should check if specific permissions missing            if ([result.grantedPermissions containsObject:@"publish_actions"]) {                // Do work                [login logInWithReadPermissions:@[@"user_likes",@"user_birthday"] handler:^(FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult *result, NSError *error) {                    if (error) {                        // Process error                    } else if (result.isCancelled) {                        // Handle cancellations                    } else {                        // If you ask for multiple permissions at once, you                        // should check if specific permissions missing                        if ([result.grantedPermissions containsObject:@"user_birthday"]) {                            // Do work                            NSLog(@"Permission  2: %@",result.grantedPermissions);                        }                    }                }];            }        }    }];

You don't need public_profile in read permission as if granted permission to publish_actions it also gets permission for public_profile.

As i seen you code that you are trying to use the "user_likes", "user_birthday", "public_profile" and "publish_actions" permissions.

From 1st May 2015 facebook has only enabled "public_profile", "email" and "user_friends" are available without the approval process.

For "user_likes", "user_birthday" and "publish_actions" you need to get approval from the facebook.

For review process you can get help from Facebook Review.

I also have the same issue with user_posts permission for two weeks, but after some search i found the solution for this, if you still having this issue follow these steps

  1. Go to http://developers.facebook.com and logged in to your developer account.
  2. Select your app and go to Roles section.
  3. Add a tester in Testers section.
  4. Then re-install the app and login using that tester account.
  5. Now you try to get the required permissions from tester and tester will see all the permissions list.