Git ignore file for Xcode 4 projects Git ignore file for Xcode 4 projects ios ios

Git ignore file for Xcode 4 projects

Here are git ignore files for basicly every language including Xcode : Github - git ignore

For me it is working like a charm. Here is the content of the Objective-C.gitignore

# Xcodebuild/**.pbxuser!default.pbxuser*.mode1v3!default.mode1v3*.mode2v3!default.mode2v3*.perspectivev3!default.perspectivev3*.xcworkspace!default.xcworkspacexcuserdataprofile*.moved-asideDerivedData

This is what we use:

#xcode Noisebuild/**.pbxuser*.mode2v3*.mode1v3*.xcworkspacexcuserdata# OSX Noise.DS_Storeprofile*~*.lock*.DS_Store*.swp*.out

Existing answers are good. I just want to leave a note for people who are using CocoaPods to manage libraries. Besides the xcworkspace generated by CocoaPods, you should also ignore Pods/ directory:


every developer should do pod install on their own machine separately. otherwise, they may face many environment issues.