How can I find the version number of an iPhone app from the IPA? How can I find the version number of an iPhone app from the IPA? ios ios

How can I find the version number of an iPhone app from the IPA?

Do the below from your terminal

    //Unzip the file     unzip YourIPAFile.ipa    //Open payload folder    cd Payload    //Open your .app file    cd    //Open the plist file    open Info.plist

You can find the version under Bundle version keyenter image description here

There's a better way than PlistBuddy and grep:

unzip -d unzipped-ipa MyApp.ipadefaults read "$(pwd)/" CFBundleVersionrm -rf unzipped-ipa

It's worth noting that using defaults read requires an absolute path to your app.

  1. Unzip your ipa file

    unzip YourIPAFile.ipa
  2. Following plistBuddy command prints Bundle Version

    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c print Payload/ | grep CFBundleVersion

    CFBundleVersion = 1.0

  3. Following plistBuddy command prints BundleVersion String

    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c print Payload/ | grep CFBundleShortVersionString

    CFBundleShortVersionString = 1.0