How do I create a category in Xcode 6 or higher? How do I create a category in Xcode 6 or higher? ios ios

How do I create a category in Xcode 6 or higher?

They didn't forget. They just moved it without telling anyone.

  1. Click File -> New -> File

  2. Select Objective-C file under Sources in iOS or Mac OS respectively and Click Next

  3. Now under File Type: choose either Category, Protocol, or Extension

PS. Under File Name: whatever you type here will be either the Category, Protocol, or Extension Name.

To create CategoryBaseClass+CategoryName.m/.h:

  1. File → New → File... or use ⌘N.
  2. Select Objective-C File.

enter image description here

  1. Type in category name, select File Type: Category, and then select the base class.

enter image description here

  1. Complete the flow to create the category.