How to make phone call in iOS 10 using Swift? [duplicate] How to make phone call in iOS 10 using Swift? [duplicate] ios ios

How to make phone call in iOS 10 using Swift? [duplicate]

You can call like this:

 if let url = URL(string: "tel://\(number)") {     UIApplication.shared.openURL(url) }

For Swift 3+, you can use like

guard let number = URL(string: "tel://" + number) else { return }

OR, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

Make sure you've scrubbed your phone number string to remove any instances of (, ), -, or space.


Make a call with phone number validation


Tested on:

  • Swift 5.2, Xcode 11.4 (11E146)


// MARK: DataDetectorclass DataDetector {    private class func _find(all type: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType,                             in string: String, iterationClosure: (String) -> Bool) {        guard let detector = try? NSDataDetector(types: type.rawValue) else { return }        let range = NSRange(string.startIndex ..< string.endIndex, in: string)        let matches = detector.matches(in: string, options: [], range: range)        loop: for match in matches {            for i in 0 ..< match.numberOfRanges {                let nsrange = match.range(at: i)                let startIndex = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: nsrange.lowerBound)                let endIndex = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: nsrange.upperBound)                let range = startIndex..<endIndex                guard iterationClosure(String(string[range])) else { break loop }            }        }    }    class func find(all type: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType, in string: String) -> [String] {        var results = [String]()        _find(all: type, in: string) {            results.append($0)            return true        }        return results    }    class func first(type: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType, in string: String) -> String? {        var result: String?        _find(all: type, in: string) {            result = $0            return false        }        return result    }}// MARK: PhoneNumberstruct PhoneNumber {    private(set) var number: String    init?(extractFrom string: String) {        guard let phoneNumber = PhoneNumber.first(in: string) else { return nil }        self = phoneNumber    }    private init (string: String) { self.number = string }    func makeACall() {        guard let url = URL(string: "tel://\(number.onlyDigits())"),            UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) else { return }        if #available(iOS 10, *) {          } else {            UIApplication.shared.openURL(url)        }    }    static func extractAll(from string: String) -> [PhoneNumber] {        DataDetector.find(all: .phoneNumber, in: string)            .compactMap {  PhoneNumber(string: $0) }    }    static func first(in string: String) -> PhoneNumber? {        guard let phoneNumberString = DataDetector.first(type: .phoneNumber, in: string) else { return nil }        return PhoneNumber(string: phoneNumberString)    }}extension PhoneNumber: CustomStringConvertible { var description: String { number } }// MARK: String extensionextension String {    // MARK: Get remove all characters exept numbers    func onlyDigits() -> String {        let filtredUnicodeScalars = unicodeScalars.filter { CharacterSet.decimalDigits.contains($0) }        return String(String.UnicodeScalarView(filtredUnicodeScalars))    }    var detectedPhoneNumbers: [PhoneNumber] { PhoneNumber.extractAll(from: self) }    var detectedFirstPhoneNumber: PhoneNumber? { PhoneNumber.first(in: self) }}


PhoneNumber(extractFrom: "+1-(800)-123-4567")?.makeACall()PhoneNumber.extractAll(from: "+1-(800)-123-4567 bla bla 1(617)111-22-33").last?.makeACall()PhoneNumber.first(in: "+1-(800)-123-4567 bla bla 1(617)111-22-33")?.makeACall()"+1-(800)-123-4567 bla bla 1(617)111-22-33".detectedPhoneNumbers[1].makeACall()"+1-(800)-123-4567 bla bla 1(617)111-22-33".detectedFirstPhoneNumber?.makeACall()

Full sample

do not forget to paste the solution code here

func test() {    isPhone("blabla")    isPhone("+1(222)333-44-55")    isPhone("+42 555.123.4567")    isPhone("+1-(800)-123-4567")    isPhone("+7 555 1234567")    isPhone("+7(926)1234567")    isPhone("(926) 1234567")    isPhone("+79261234567")    isPhone("926 1234567")    isPhone("9261234567")    isPhone("1234567")    isPhone("123-4567")    isPhone("123-89-01")    isPhone("495 1234567")    isPhone("469 123 45 67")    isPhone("8 (926) 1234567")    isPhone("89261234567")    isPhone("926.123.4567")    isPhone("415-555-1234")    isPhone("650-555-2345")    isPhone("(416)555-3456")    isPhone("202 555 4567")    isPhone("4035555678")    isPhone(" 1 416 555 9292")    isPhone("1(617)111-22-33!")    isPhone("+44 1838 300284")    isPhone("+44 1838 300284, 1 416 555 9292")    isPhone("+44 1838 3d0384, 1 416 555 9292!")}private func isPhone(_ string: String) {    let phoneNumbers = PhoneNumber.extractAll(from: string)    let result = !phoneNumbers.isEmpty    print("\(result ? "✅" : "❌") \(string) | detected phones: \(phoneNumbers)")}


 blabla | detected phones: [] +1(222)333-44-55 | detected phones: [+1(222)333-44-55] +42 555.123.4567 | detected phones: [555.123.4567] +1-(800)-123-4567 | detected phones: [+1-(800)-123-4567] +7 555 1234567 | detected phones: [+7 555 1234567] +7(926)1234567 | detected phones: [+7(926)1234567] (926) 1234567 | detected phones: [(926) 1234567] +79261234567 | detected phones: [+79261234567] 926 1234567 | detected phones: [926 1234567] 9261234567 | detected phones: [9261234567] 1234567 | detected phones: [1234567] 123-4567 | detected phones: [123-4567] 123-89-01 | detected phones: [123-89-01] 495 1234567 | detected phones: [495 1234567] 469 123 45 67 | detected phones: [469 123 45 67] 8 (926) 1234567 | detected phones: [8 (926) 1234567] 89261234567 | detected phones: [89261234567] 926.123.4567 | detected phones: [926.123.4567] 415-555-1234 | detected phones: [415-555-1234] 650-555-2345 | detected phones: [650-555-2345] (416)555-3456 | detected phones: [(416)555-3456] 202 555 4567 | detected phones: [202 555 4567] 4035555678 | detected phones: [4035555678]  1 416 555 9292 | detected phones: [1 416 555 9292] 1(617)111-22-33! | detected phones: [1(617)111-22-33] +44 1838 300284 | detected phones: [+44 1838 300284] +44 1838 300284, 1 416 555 9292 | detected phones: [+44 1838 300284, 1 416 555 9292] +44 1838 3d0384, 1 416 555 9292! | detected phones: [1 416 555 9292]

In Swift 4.2

func dialNumber(number : String) { if let url = URL(string: "tel://\(number)"),   UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {      if #available(iOS 10, *) {, options: [:], completionHandler:nil)       } else {           UIApplication.shared.openURL(url)       }   } else {            // add error message here    }}

Call this like below

dialNumber(number: "+921111111222")

Hope this help.