How to manually deprecate members How to manually deprecate members ios ios

How to manually deprecate members

You can use the Available tag, for example :

@available(*, deprecated)func myFunc() {     // ...}

Where * is the platform (iOS, iOSApplicationExtension, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, * for all, etc.).

You can also specify the version of the platform from which it was introduced, deprecated, obsoleted, renamed, and a message :

@available(iOS, deprecated:6.0)func myFunc() {     // calling this function is deprecated on iOS6+}Or@available(iOS, deprecated: 6.0, obsoleted: 7.0, message: "Because !")func myFunc() {    // deprecated from iOS6, and obsoleted after iOS7, the message "Because !" is displayed in XCode warnings}

If your project targets multiple platforms, you can use several tags like so :

@available(tvOS, deprecated:9.0.1)@available(iOS, deprecated:9.1)@available(macOS, unavailable, message: "Unavailable on macOS")func myFunc() {    // ...}

More details in the Swift documentation.

Starting Swift 3 and Swift 4, the version number is optional. You can now simply type:

@available(*, deprecated)func foo() {    // ...}

Or if you want a message go along with it:

@available(*, deprecated, message: "no longer available ...")func foo() {    // ...}

You can use this to auto-fix you entrys with your new func

@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "myNewFunc")func myOldFunc() {   // ...}func myNewFunc() {   // ...}

Instead of * you can use swift , for the swift Version number.

Deprecated functions generate warnings but can still be called. (Warning)

Obsolete functions stop it from being called entirely. (Error)

@available(swift, deprecated: 4.0, obsoleted: 4.2, message: "This will be removed in v4.2, please migrate to ...")

or use other Options like iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS ...