How to use NSLocalizedString function with variables in Swift? How to use NSLocalizedString function with variables in Swift? ios ios

How to use NSLocalizedString function with variables in Swift?

You can use the sprintf format parameters within NSLocalizedString, so your example can look like this:

let myString = String(format: NSLocalizedString(" - %d Notifica", comment: "sottotitolo prescrizione per le notifiche al singolare"), count)

In Session #412 of the WWDC2014 "Localizing with Xcode 6" the proper way to this in Swift is the following:

String.localizedStringWithFormat(    NSLocalizedString(" - %d Notifica",    comment: "sottotitolo prescrizione per le notifiche al singolare"),    count)

I have followed the approach of creating extension to String as i have many strings to localize.

extension String {    var localized: String {        return NSLocalizedString(self, comment:"")    }}

To use it for localization in code do:

self.descriptionView.text = "Description".localized

For strings with dynamic variables follow :

self.entryTimeLabel.text = "\("Doors-open-at".localized) \(event.eventStartTime)"

Declare the strings in String files for different languages (example : Arabic and English)

enter image description hereenter image description here

Hope will be helping!